More resources and tools for your patients
Provide your patients with helpful and educational resources so they get the right information about food allergy from the beginning. Below you will find resources for parents, youth, and adults with allergies.

Foundation in Food Allergy interactive webinars: Offered 3 times per month in small group sessions or quarterly in a public webinar format, these webinars provide parents with vital information on the basics of food allergy and anaphylaxis. Patients, and healthcare professionals alike, can become more allergy aware by taking one of our 30-minute, interactive online courses. The courses are medically-reviewed, mobile-friendly, and offer a Certificate of Completion. The assessment tool guides users through the likelihood of having a food allergy with just a few clicks. The app is intended to help patients and parents understand whether specific symptoms may be caused by a food allergy and whether further advice from an allergist is recommended. The tool can also be used by primary care physicians who see patients that may have a food allergy.
Eat Early. Eat Often.: Produced under the National Food Allergy Action Plan, this resource includes practical tips on feeding babies early, recipes for different allergenic foods, and more. Please click on the document to view.
Early introduction of allergens FAQs: A detailed frequently asked questions document for parents on early introduction. Please click on the document to view.
NEW! Caregiver resource: Caring for a child with food allergy: This guide for caregivers, like grandparents, babysitters, and coaches, has essential information for managing food allergy and anaphylaxis. It’s very visual, making it easy to follow along and understand, even if English is not the primary language.
Note: Research with patients of children with food allergy indicated a gap in knowledge and support with extended family and others. This resource fills this gap and helps parents feel more confident when leaving children with caregivers.
Pollen allergy and foods: chart: A one page visual chart on oral allergy syndrome/pollen food syndrome with information on which foods may trigger symptoms in people with allergies to various pollens.
Think F.A.S.T.: A poster with information about the symptoms of anaphylaxis and what to do in an emergency. Please click on the document to view.

Youth programs: From online mentorship programs, to curriculum for elementary school and high school students, we have many resources to support teens and youth.

Adults with allergies: In addition to the number of resources available on our site, we have a blog dedicated to adults with allergies.

Allergy alerts and the latest information in food allergy: By signing up to our emails, you and your patients will receive essential allergy-related information like food recalls, epinephrine supply updates, and other important news and updates.

Newly diagnosed handbook: This useful handbook is a must for parents of newly diagnosed children. Your patients can download the handbook for free directly from our website. You can also order hard copies to give directly to your patients. Just contact us at to place an order.

National schools guidelines: Guidelines for the management of allergies and anaphylaxis in schools and other settings.

Post-secondary guide: A resource for post-secondary institutions on managing food allergy and anaphylaxis in campus settings.
Order our resources
You can order some of our resources so you can have them available in your office. Contact us at or call 1 866 785-5660 to learn more.